Quality of Service

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  • Quality of Service Measurement
  • picto #5 Quality of Service Measurement

    5.1 Service Availability


    The service availability is the total period per calendar year of availability of its infrastructure in one city (all customer ports). The objective for France-IX is to deliver to its customers an availability of at least 99,995% per year (non contractual). France-IX is running two IXPs, one in Paris, one in Marseille: the availability is calculated separately for both, as the IXPs are independent and not interconnected.

    The following events are excluded from availability calculation:

    • Any force majeure event as described in the France-IX general conditions of the connection agreement;
    • The service being modified or altered in any way at the customer’s request;
    • Any interruption resulting from defects or failures of the customer’s equipment, customer’s datacenter connection or any facilities provided or operated by or on behalf of the customer;
    • Incomplete, inaccurate information provided by the customer to France-IX;
    • Any delay or failure in complying with any of the customer’s obligations under the France-IX connection agreement;
    • Scheduled maintenances and planned works operated by France-IX.

    The service is considered as unavailable when the customer is not able to reach at least 10% of France-IX customers, for a period of time longer than 10 consecutive seconds or the inability to send or receive traffic across France-IX infrastructure.

    Every month, the availability is measured, in order to consolidate the annual availability. The total time is measured in minutes.


    Availability = Total time ∑ - downtime (maintenances + outages) x 100
    Total time ∑ - downtime (maintenances)

    The availability is measured based on tickets generated by France-IX NOC and on measures collected from the monitoring probes. It is displayed in real time and accessible online at anytime by the customer on the France-IX customer portal.



    5.2 Round-trip delay, jitter and frame loss


    The objective for France-IX is to deliver to its customers the following target values (non-contractual):


    • Frame Loss: <0.05%, average per hour in a 24h period
    • Round-trip Delay: <1.5 millisecond, average per hour in a 24h period
    • Jitter: <100 micro-seconds, average per hour in a 24h period


    For Round-trip Delay, the value indicated is the maximum delay between two PoPs, taking into consideration there can be 80km between two PoPs. France-IX has deployed probes on all its PoPs. Round-trip delay, jitter and frame loss are measured and monitored permanently:



    Measurements are published on France-IX’s customer portal so that customers can check at any time the overall quality of service. Measurements are used by France-IX Technical team and France-IX NOC to also detect in a proactive way some possible issues before they impact the Service.

    In addition to such KPIs, France-IX is also monitoring the level of traffic on each customer connection, and the optical levels of each port, to prevent any degradation of quality of service due to a congestion on a customer port and some errors seen at the optical layer due to a faulty optic.

    Finally, backbone links are overprovisioned to avoid any risk of congestion. France-IX Technical team checks permanently these links and launch a capacity upgrade if the load exceeds 40%.